Thursday, August 4, 2011

On Topic/Off Topic

I am kind of at a loss for words.

That is a new sensation for me, I'll admit. But my priorities and how I spend my time has shifted since I started this blog so many years ago. It started as an outlet for my essays--something I still enjoy writing very much--then shifted to being about my scrapbooking and my classes for Stampin'Cat, and then to photography. Now that I do roller derby, things are shifting in my life again.

What would you like to read about? I know that niche blogs are more popular than blogs all over the place. I could do different sections like the Pioneer Woman, but only if people would like to read that

If you have read my blog for either a little or a long time, what do you like about it? What would you enjoy reading about? Leave a comment and chime in, otherwise Narcissism will RULE!

1 comment:

Allanna said...

I like reading your blog regardless of the content. It's nice to get an added view into your life and what's interesting you/occupying your like at the moment.

But, yes, I can see that doing the different sections like Ree does would make it easier for folks who are visiting your blog for a certain topic (My opinion, for me? That's what tags are for. :P).

So, yeah, my opinion is that I don't have much of one. I read your blog because I enjoy it, not for any certain topic. ^_^